In 2005, Underhill performed parcel and attribute data capture on 513 separate Canada Lands parcels. The project involved processing existing GIS data and populating attribute tables with required data for 513 Indian Reserves spread across British Columbia.
The scope of work included assembling Reserve polygons from existing GIS data of the boundary extents for each community and linking them with associated attributes. All polygons were GIS processed in AutoCAD Map and data delivered in ArcGIS .shp format with associated attribute tables in DBF files.
Between 2003 and 2005 Natural Resources Canada awarded Underhill eight separate cadastral compilation contracts covering more than 30 communities in Yukon, NWT and Nunavut.
The scope of work included COGO, restructuring, annotation and GIS processing of all cadastral data within community OIC boundaries. Copan was used for COGO and AutoCAD Map 5 for data structuring and GIS processing.