Cadastral or legal land surveying is the founding profession upon which Underhill was built.
Underhill has provided professional cadastral surveying services since 1913 in British Columbia, Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut. The firm can offer a broad range of consulting expertise in matters such as title searches, land acquisitions, and property title interpretation.
Underhill’s professional team are licensed with:
Examples of Underhill’s cadastral services
- Subdivision and consolidations
- Strata (condominium)
- Property line surveys
- Building location certificates
- Air space parcels
- Rights-of-way
- Mineral titles
- Registered lease surveys
- First Nations land claims
- Easements
- Posting plans
- Covenants
- Crown Land surveys
- Foreshore leases (water lots)
- Accretion and natural boundary adjustment surveys
- Professional opinions for court