City of Coquitlam – Land and Utility GIS Data Conversion and Custom Software

  • city of coquitlam Underhill Q the Map Screenshot

  • city of coquitlam Underhill Q the Map Screenshot

  • city of coquitlam Underhill Q the Map Screenshot

  • city of coquitlam Underhill Q the Map Screenshot

  • city of coquitlam Underhill Q the Map Screenshot

  • city of coquitlam Underhill Q the Map Screenshot

  • city of coquitlam Underhill Q the Map Screenshot

  • Streetlight attribute capture dialog in Copan FM. City of Coquitlam.

About This Project

Starting in 1995, Underhill has provided services to the City of Coquitlam in support of their CARIS/ArcINFO GIS Q the Map. Completed projects include conversion of sewer as-built drawings; road and utility ROW conversion; custom software development; and drainage infrastructure data capture.

1995–1996 Conversion of sanitary sewer drawings

COGO work on 105 map sheets was accomplished in AutoCAD, while attribution and connectivity was done in a customized version of Underhill’s Copan FM. The delivery format was CARIS GIS.

1997–1999 Road and utility rights-of-way conversion

This project involved:

  • Searching Land Titles for right-of-way charges and plans
  • COGO conversion of the rights-of-ways using AutoCAD and Copan FM
  • Attributing and translation to CARIS GIS in Copan FM

1997–1998 Custom development of Copan FM

Underhill was contracted by the City to provide a field system to inventory street lights and signage. Copan FM-Street/Sign is for the field inventory of streetlight and sign utilities. Copan FM, pen computer hardware and training were provided to the City. Data were exported to CARIS GIS. The customization of Copan FM included

  • Data import/export to CARIS
  • Full CARIS data model compatibility
  • Full data editing capabilities
  • User training and documentation

2001–2002 Drainage infrastructure data capture

Following on from the 1995–1996 sanitary sewer capture, Underhill was contracted to convert exiting drainage as-built drawings for 105 city map sheets. COGO work was performed in AutoCAD, while attribution and connectivity were generated in a customized version of Underhill’s Copan FM. The delivery format was CARIS GIS. (Coquitlam has since migrated to ArcGIS.)

Coquitlam is a member of the Integrated Cadastral Information Society (ICIS).