27 Mar Underhill’s Chris El-Araj wins David Thompson Award
Victoria, BC: At the Joint Canadian Hydrographic and National Surveyors’ Conference (CHC-NSC 2018) in Victoria, BC, Chris El-Araj, BCLS of Underhill Geomatics Ltd. was awarded the 2018 David Thompson National Geomatics Award in the category of “Challenging Non Cadastral Survey Project”. Chris was assisted in the preparation of the poster by Thael Hill, CLS, and Lorelei Smith, BSc, AScT, both also of Underhill Geomatics Ltd. The poster detailed the George Massey Tunnel Automated Survey Monitoring Program installed during bridge test pile driving. Details of the project were reported in Underhill News in July 2016. For further information see: George Massey Tunnel Replacement Project – High-Tech Real-time Survey Monitoring of Test Geotechnical Pile Driving a Success
According to the David Thompson awards website:
“The David Thompson National Geomatics Awards were created to honour the innovation, dedication and creativity of professional surveyors in Canada.
The program is presented by Professional Surveyors Canada and the Association of Canada Lands Surveyors to celebrate professional excellence in the field of geomatics. Named after David Thompson, an explorer and surveyor who almost single-handedly mapped Canada’s vast, unknown interior 200 years ago, these awards represent the pinnacle of work.”
The awards are given out each year at the National Surveyors Conference.
Also at the conference Christopher de Haan, CLS, BCLS gave a presentation on the Survey of Natural Boundaries Using Drones. This presentation is related to the 2017 winner of the David Thomson Award for Innovation in Cadastral Surveying – Christopher de Haan, CLS, BCLS | Lorelei Smith, BSc, AScT Poster – Survey of the Limit of the High Tide of Theodosia Inlet
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Underhill Geomatics Ltd. was also a runner-up in 2017, and was shortlisted and named a finalist in 2011.
Runner-up in 2017 for the David Thompson Award for Innovative Non-legal Survey – G.C. (Carl) Friesen, CLS, BCLS, P.Eng., FEC | Eric Bardin, MSc Geomatics Poster – Eric Nielsen International Airport Obstacle Limitation Surfaces Survey
Underhill was shortlisted for a David Thompson Award in 2011 and ultimately named a finalist in Innovation in Geomatics, and Unusual Application in Geomatics – Christopher Raymond El-Araj, BCLS | Mark Mason, BCLS Poster – 3D Laser Scanning for the Seismic Upgrade of Science World, Vancouver