17 Oct The 60’s Overview
The 1960s marked the start of great technological change in the Surveying field and Underhill was there. Electronic distance measurement (EDM) instruments and computers forever changed how surveys would be done. Computations, once arduous, could be completed quickly and accurately. Massive distances could be measured in minutes instead of days and at unheard of precision. As an early adopter of the new technology, Underhill provided EDM services and computation services to dozens of Land Surveyors throughout BC and Alberta into the 1970s. Additionally, a number of lower mainland bridge crossings were surveyed with the new Geodimeter technology including Port Mann, New 2nd Narrows, Arthur Lang and Mission. Numerous BC Hydro transmission line surveys were also conducted.
Major developments surveyed included Bentall One and Bentall Two at Bentall Centre and Granville Square – Project 200.
See full descriptions of the images shown and more images from the 60’s here.